Resrarch Journal

Call For Paper Volume:2 Issue:1 Oct’2021

Editor-in-chief (EiC):

Associate editor:

Section editor:

Guest editor:

Editorial board:

AUI Research Journal is a blind peer review open access journal published online on AUI website based in USA. AUI publishes theoretical, empirical and experimental papers as well as case studies and reports in all areas of Education, Engineering, Int. business, management and Sciences, among other fields.
To give your manuscript the best chance of publication, follow the editorial policies and formatting guidelines. Papers that do not conform to the Author Guidelines will not be considered for review until they comply with the guidelines.

Call for Articles

January - 2021

Submission Last Date


Acceptance Notification

5 Days

Publication Date



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In the quest of success in academia, career researchers are always on the lookout for opportunities to showcase their knowledge, skills, and competences. One of the key steps in the climb to academic path is that of becoming a peer reviewer. Being identified as a peer reviewer pave the road to being accepted as an expert in the field, and this can add significant value to an early career researcher’s resume and reputation.  It is a kind of appreciation in itself to be a peer reviewer, and this can be a stepping stone for innovative researchers. Reviewers have the opportunity to be on top of the developments in their field and expand their knowledge and professional network.

Why to become a peer reviewer

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