Publication Policy

  • Papers are considered for publication with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration by any other publication except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis.
  • Papers that are published or held by the Journal may not be published elsewhere (either in sum or in part) without written permission from AUI Research Journal.
  • Paper judgment will be within two weeks. Submissions will undergo initial evaluation by the Technical Editor to determine appropriateness for publication in Journal and to identify qualified technical reviewers based on the topic of the paper and the area of study.
  • Authors should provide three potential reviewers; names, emails and their relevant qualification for the research for evaluation of the manuscript.
  • The final evaluation of a manuscript will be by the Journal Editor in collaboration with the Technical Editor.
  • AUI Journal reserves the right to reproduce published papers in full or in part in other AUI media.

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